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National Profile on Alternate Assessments Based on Alternate Achievement Standards:

NCSER 2009-3014
August 2009

Special Notes

There are a few special notes to be aware of for the NSAA National Profile:

  • Forty-nine states reported using a single alternate assessment based on alternate achievement standards in 2006–07. Michigan reported having two alternate assessments based on alternate achievement standards in use in 2006–07. The NSAA National Profile reports the two alternate assessments in combination to reflect the overall nature of alternate assessments in Michigan.
  • Florida did not have an alternate assessment based on alternate achievement standards in 2006–07 and was revising its alternate assessment system at that time. This report includes data for Florida with the caveat to use caution in interpreting data for that state.
  • There are currently several allowable variants of alternate assessments, including alternate assessments based on alternate achievement standards, alternate assessments based on modified achievement standards, and alternate assessments based on grade-level standards. Only alternate assessments based on alternate achievement standards are included in the report. Throughout the report, alternate assessments based on alternate achievement standards may be referred to simply as "alternate assessments" for brevity. In such cases it should be understood that only alternate assessments based on alternate achievement standards are being considered.